
Here we are!


Old photos

Album 2010



Åbacka Garden Café!

Opens again season 2024 on 1 May

Saturday 25 May closed

We have open on weekends until middle of June
Saturday - Sunday 11 - 17
From 18 June opened Tuesday - Sunday
11 - 17
On Mondays we are always closed

We take the order at the table and bring your order to your table in the garden. If it starts raining, there are 8 tables w 16 chairs indoors.

We produce italian gelato at Åbacka garden café from middle of June 2024.

We serve waffles with jam and cream, coffee, tea, cold drinks, and ice cream.

lactose free and gluten free waffle
carrot cake w lemon frosting
chocolate cake w cream,
apple cake with vanilla sauce .
lemon cake with cream
Surdegs bread with sallad, tomato, edamer cheese
Ciabatta with salami and brie cheese
Ciabatta with mozzarella cheese and sun dried tomatoes
All pastry are homemade!


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at the map
to find us!
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